What are the Symptoms of a Neck Injury After a Car Accident?

personal injury lawyer in new york

You never expect to get into a car accident, but you need to know what to do when it occurs. Many times injuries you sustain in the accident won’t show up until hours, or even days later. That’s why reaching out to a personal injury lawyer in New York right away is important, especially if you were not at fault in the accident. Always pay attention to common symptoms of a neck injury so you can address the injury right away and be rightfully compensated for it.

Common Signs Of A Neck Injury

Any New York lawyer will caution you to not assume you’re fine after a car accident. Sometimes symptoms of a neck injury might not be associated with pain in your neck at all. Some of the common signs to look out for include:

  • Tingling or numbness in your arms
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Not as much range of motion in your neck
  • Stiff neck
  • General neck pain

You should always pay attention to other unusual behaviors, such as irritability, memory issues, difficulty sleeping, and more. These could also be associated with the car accident so your New York lawyer should be made aware of them.

Will These Symptoms Appear Immediately?

Any time you experience these symptoms after a car accident, you should see a medical professional as soon as possible. However, they don’t often appear right away. Once your adrenaline stops pumping hours after the accident, you might start noticing the pain points. It’s even possible to experience the first symptoms days following your accident. This is why seeing a medical professional and contacting a personal injury lawyer in New York should be two of the first things you do.

What Should You Do If You Experience These Symptoms?

Never take any of the symptoms of a neck injury for granted. What might seem like a small issue right now could turn into a much larger health problem in the future. It’s always best to see a doctor and let them tell you if any problems need to be addressed. 

Gordon & Gordon will make sure you are not on the hook for any medical bills if you are injured during a car accident that you were not at fault. We have earned our spot as one of the top law firms in NYC because we go above and beyond for our clients. Keep us in mind and if you are ever involved in a vehicle accident, contact us for a free case evaluation.