Why Do Experts Testify in Personal Injury Cases?

personal injury lawyer in new york

Personal injury lawsuits can get very detailed. Eyewitnesses are important in most cases, but expert witnesses can be the difference in winning or losing the lawsuit. A qualified expert witness can be involved in a variety of industries, but they are highly trained, experienced, and educated in that industry. The top law firms in NYC will have a list of expert witnesses they can rely on to support their claims, and here are some of the reasons why they are so valuable.

Experts Can Help Explain Technical Information

Many times the claims a plaintiff or defendant makes can’t be understood by the average juror. And the personal injury lawyer in New York is not in a position to explain the details thoroughly. The role of an expert witness is to explain technical information in terms the average person can understand. This helps the jury better comprehend the information so they can determine how relevant it is. 

What Do Experts Testify About?

Expert witnesses can testify about a multitude of things. Engineers might testify about roads that might have been constructed poorly. Medical professionals could testify about specific injuries and the treatments for those injuries. And psychologists could even testify about the potential long-term damages a person could experience after going through a severe injury. In some cases, the court may require expert witnesses to testify depending on how complicated the case is.

Expert Witnesses Can Shape The Outcome Of Legal Cases

A good New York attorney should have a long list of expert witnesses they can rely on in personal injury cases. These expert witnesses explain the facts of particular situations and are available to answer questions as needed. In many lawsuits, the expert witness can shape the outcome of the legal case by providing relevant information to help the jury understand exactly what happened. Your personal injury lawyer in New York should be able to help in bringing in the right expert witness to strengthen your case. 

Gordon & Gordon is one of the top law firms in NYC and has many years of experience and has worked with dozens of expert witnesses to help clients succeed in their personal injury cases. Some lawsuits might seem clear-cut, but without expert witness testimonies, they might not be as strong as you think. We know exactly how to incorporate these testimonies and they will play a major part in the success of your case. If you believe you have a personal injury lawsuit to file, contact us right away to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys.