What Areas Does an Elder Lawyer Specialize In?

nyc elder lawyer

As you get older, some of the care and services you need will change. Senior issues often need the specialty of an elder lawyer in New York and you should never settle for less than the best. An elder lawyer does more than just write estate plans. They can be there for support in many aspects of your life. We’ve explained some of the specialties you can expect from an experienced elder lawyer in New York.

Planning For Long-Term Health Care

Planning for long-term health care shouldn’t be left in the hands of just any NYC lawyer. The lawyer you choose needs to have experience with local nursing homes, medical facilities, insurance options, and much more. It’s difficult to plan for long-term health care because no one knows how long we will live or what our health situation will look like. But the best law firms in NYC that specialize in elder care can ensure you’re prepared.

Estate Planning

It’s never too early or too late to start estate planning. Once you reach retirement age, it’s a good idea to revisit your estate plan to ensure your wealth and assets will be transferred how you want them to. An experienced elder lawyer in New York will review your assets and help you put together an estate plan that fulfills your wishes.

Financial Planning

Your financial situation will change once you reach retirement age and are on a fixed income. For some people, this means downsizing their homes and cutting back on certain expenses. A good elder lawyer in New York can provide financial advice on how to spend your money wisely and ensure you live a comfortable life throughout retirement.

Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is more common than most people believe, so it’s important to have an elder lawyer in New York on your side. Whether you are in a nursing home, assisted living facility, or stay at home with a caregiver, elder abuse is very real and should be paid close attention to. Too many people take advantage of seniors, and an NYC lawyer can ensure you are protected.

Gordon & Gordon offers legal services to seniors to help them enjoy life as much as possible. There are many different aspects to navigate as you get older and we can give you great peace of mind through them all. Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how we can help.