
Wage Claims


Wage claim disputes are prominent throughout New York and the United States. Employers violate wage laws by not paying overtime, not providing compensation for hours worked, not paying the minimum wage, and much more. You need a reputable wage claim lawyer if you find yourself in a wage dispute with your employer.

A good employment attorney will bring to light your rights as an employee. You might realize your employer has been stealing wages from you for years without you even knowing it. Work with our wage claim lawyer at Gordon & Gordon and we will help you recover lost wages so you receive the money you worked so hard for.

Our labor attorney can file an FLSA claim on your behalf and take legal action against your employer. The worst thing you can do is remain silent when you believe your employer is violating wage and labor laws. You could be entitled to more money than you think based on the number of hours you worked and the type of work completed.

Gordon & Gordon is committed to ensuring employees are compensated fairly and in accordance with local wage laws. When in doubt, contact us to evaluate your employment situation.


Employment Discrimination / EEOC


In the United States, all employees are entitled to a variety of legal protections and benefits at work. These protections are afforded through state and federal laws including small rights, such as guaranteed lunch breaks, and larger ones, such as prohibiting workplace discrimination.

However, you may still find yourself in a situation where your employer fails to be compliant with New York employment laws, or even voluntarily violates legal requirements. These types of illegal behaviors can substantially impact workers’ daily lives, both personally and professionally.


How to Combat Employment Discrimination


Too many workers in these positions don’t know how to approach legally combating illegal treatment in the workplace, or have the resources to do it alone. For this reason, it’s often necessary for employees who have experienced unfair or otherwise illegal treatment from their employer to get quality legal representation for the justice they deserve.

At Gordon & Gordon, we’re committed to putting the power back in the hands of workers by helping them fight illegal and unethical treatment.

If you find yourself in a situation where you feel your employer is mistreating you, contact us. We’ll discuss the details of your issue and help you understand whether or not you have a case, and what to do next.

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