Choosing the Right Personal Injury Attorney: What to Do After a Car Accident in New York

New York personal injury attorney

New York roads are always busy and car accidents are way too common. Even with the busyness of the roads, you have to slow down and know what steps to take if you’re involved in an accident. This can include documenting the scene, gathering information, calling insurance companies, and contacting a New York personal injury attorney. Here are some of the most important steps to remember to take immediately following a car accident in New York.

Quickly Determine The Safest Place To Be

There will be a lot going through your mind immediately following a car accident. The first thing to do is find a safe place to go, if possible. Find a nearby parking lot or a side street to get away from the busy traffic. Don’t get out of your vehicle until you know it is safe to do so. If your vehicle is inoperable due to the accident, then it may be best to contact the police to block traffic so you can ensure your safety. The last thing you want to do is injure yourself or someone else while trying to get to safety.

Seek Medical Attention If Required

Of course, if you feel any pain or feel unwell after the accident, call 911 and seek emergency care. Even if you don’t require an ambulance, take note of any discomfort you may be feeling immediately after the accident. Sometimes minor injuries now can turn into major injuries later. If you end up taking legal action, then your New York car accident attorney will need this information to help build your case. Contact your primary medical professional to describe your symptoms as well and determine whether any further medical attention is required.

Document The Accident Scene And Vehicles Involved

Your personal injury attorney in New York City will need as much information as possible if you choose to pursue legal action. If you can safely do so, then take pictures and videos of the accident scene and any other vehicles or people involved. Focus on the damage sustained to property, as well as the entire scene. Some factors may seem irrelevant or even unnoticeable to you, but a New York City car accident lawyer will dig into even the smallest details to help build your case. Your goal is to collect as much documentation as possible and let your attorney decide what is relevant.

File An Accident Report With The Police

While it’s not required to file a police report if only vehicle damage is involved in an accident, any New York personal injury attorney will suggest doing so. Gathering the facts immediately after the accident occurs can prevent other parties from changing their stories later. Plus, having a police report is helpful when filing insurance claims. And if you later need to pursue legal action for any reason, having a police report to lean on can either strengthen your case or protect you from being sued.

Obtain All Important Documents From Other Parties

Some of the most important documents you can obtain include the other party’s insurance information, driver’s license information, vehicle information, and general contact information. If the police are on the scene, this information should be exchanged through normal processes. Talking to witnesses around the scene and gathering their information can also be very beneficial if legal action is required. Your New York car accident attorney can lean on witness testimony to strengthen your case if needed.

Report The Accident To Your Insurance Company Immediately

Don’t delay in reporting the car accident to your insurance company. It’s best to report it the next business day if you can, so it is easier to file a claim. They will likely ask for multiple pieces of documentation, but if you follow the above steps, then you should have them readily available. 

Choose The Best Personal Injury Attorney

Even if the injuries you sustained in the car accident are minor, it’s still valuable to contact a reputable New York personal injury attorney. You might not need to pursue legal action, but documenting any symptoms you are experiencing early on can help with your case if needed. Another reason to contact a personal injury attorney is that some damages might not be immediately known. Other parties might also change their story in the days following the accident, so you need to have an attorney on your side if a complicated lawsuit arises.

Rely On Your Attorney’s Expertise To Protect Yourself

The best personal injury attorney in New York City will protect you from legal action and collect any damages you may be entitled to. They can also guide you through the insurance claim process and be ready to take legal steps to protect you if required. But most of all, they can give you a great deal of peace of mind while you are going through a potentially traumatic experience. You have a lot of things in your personal life to deal with following an accident, so having an experienced personal injury attorney behind you can relax your mind a little.

Gordon & Gordon has handled numerous personal injury cases involving car accidents in New York. Navigating these accidents can be challenging for individuals and families, so we are here to help make the process as easy as possible. Don’t hesitate to contact us after your car accident to have some peace of mind and learn about your options.