Why You Need an Experienced Construction Accident Attorney

New York construction injury attorney

Construction sites have always been dangerous and they won’t be changing any time soon. Hundreds of workers are injured on construction sites in New York every year for various reasons. Fluke accidents are always possible, as well as accidents caused by negligence or even labor law violations. If you ever experience a construction site injury, it’s important to contact a New York construction injury attorney immediately. You could be entitled to workers’ compensation through your employer, as well as damages from any third parties involved. Here are some of the many benefits of working with New York construction accident attorneys.

Ensure Proper Benefits Are Received

Construction sites have so many moving parts that it can be challenging to know which party is liable for any injuries sustained. When you work with an experienced New York construction injury attorney, you can ensure they will get to the bottom of what party is liable. Not only should you receive any workers’ compensation claims from your employer, but you also may be entitled to medical benefits, disability benefits, and more.

In many situations, construction workers are surprised to learn that they are entitled to more benefits than they thought. Some of those benefits include loss of enjoyment of life benefits, pain and suffering benefits, mental anguish benefits, and more. These benefits can be life-changing depending on the severity of the injury and how long you will be unable to work.

Preserve Evidence By Hiring An Attorney Quickly

Sufficient evidence is critical any time a construction site injury occurs. When you reach out to New York construction accident attorneys quickly, they can ensure all evidence is preserved so it can be used to build your case. If you neglect to contact them immediately, some important evidence may be destroyed or disappear. Things like accident reports, witness statements, camera recordings, and other types of physical evidence are time-sensitive, so never hesitate to reach out to a New York construction injury attorney.

Stay Within The Statute Of Limitations

New York has a statute of limitations when it comes to various types of personal injury claims. You have three years from the date of the accident to file a claim, but only 90 days if it involves a municipal entity. If you miss these deadlines, you could lose any rights to file a claim on your injury.

Even though you have three years to file a claim, it doesn’t mean you should wait to reach out to any New York construction accident attorneys. It’s still very important to contact them as soon as possible after the injury so they can begin the process of collecting evidence to build the strongest case possible. It could take months to collect this evidence, so give yourself a better chance at having a strong case by allowing your attorney to get to work immediately.

Attorneys Can Negotiate With Insurance Companies On Your Behalf

Insurance companies can be difficult to deal with. Some companies might want to fight and argue to avoid paying out any damages. Others might try to make a quick settlement seem like a great deal on the surface, but in reality, they are offering less than what you deserve. Your New York construction injury attorney can either provide you guidance on how to communicate with insurance companies or they can do so on your behalf. When you have an experienced attorney on your side, insurance companies lose a lot of leverage they think they can use against you at times.

Ensure All Interests Are Protected

Insurance companies, employers, and other involved parties tend to look only at the surface-level damages you are owed. This could include only medical costs for a broken leg, for example. However, depending on the severity of the injury, you may end up never fully recovering from the broken leg and have to go through physical therapy for longer than anticipated. Plus, there’s a loss of quality of life that could be in the picture that employers or insurance companies tend to overlook. The best New York construction injury attorneys will not overlook these factors.

Provide Legal Guidance So You Don’t Inadvertently Harm Your Case

It’s extremely important to be careful about what you say and what actions you take when you’re involved in a construction site accident. Injuries can happen quickly and you might not know exactly what happened or how severe your injuries are. Once you have received the immediate medical attention needed to ensure you will be ok, then the next step should be to contact legal counsel. They can provide you with guidance on how to deal with and communicate with different parties. Your words and actions can be used against you, so it’s important to follow your attorney’s guidance to ensure you receive the maximum benefits possible and don’t harm your case in the process.

Enjoy Peace Of Mind With An Experienced Attorney On Your Side

Once you understand the severity of your construction site injuries, you may have hundreds of things running through your mind about how your life has changed. One thing that can give you peace of mind is having an experienced attorney on your side representing your best interests. You shouldn’t have to worry about the financial implications of your injury while also dealing with the physical impacts of the injuries. Even the smallest amount of peace of mind can help you get through a difficult time.

Gordon & Gordon has seen numerous construction site injury claims and understands the complexity of each. Based on our experience, we are confident that we can provide you with the best legal representation. Be sure to contact us right away after a construction site injury for a free consultation to learn the next steps.