Top Reasons for Legal Action Against Your Employer

employment lawyers nyc

Many different issues can arise with your employer. Sometimes the issues can be worked out, but other times you need to get employment lawyers in NYC involved. We’ve discussed some of the most common issues employees face with their employers that could merit legal action.

Workplace Discrimination

Workplace discrimination is very common and can lead to the need for a New York lawyer to get involved. Employers cannot discriminate based on gender, age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, or religion. If you notice workplace discrimination is present with your employer and they aren’t doing anything about it, then employment lawyers in NYC can help.


Harassment of any form should not be acceptable in a workplace environment. This can include, but is not limited to, sexual harassment, physical abuse, verbal abuse, and bullying. Not only could this impact the victim’s emotional health and well-being, but it could also impact other employees as well. Address the issues with your employer and get a New York lawyer involved quickly if no action is taken.

Wrongful Termination

One of the most common reasons why employees sue their employers is because of wrongful termination. Employers cannot fire employees as a means of retaliation or for any form of discrimination. Any employee who feels like they were fired by their employer for reasons other than performance might have a wrongful termination lawsuit to pursue.

Wage Disputes

Employers want employees to work as much as possible for as little money as possible. This could lead to them misclassifying employees as contractors, not paying them overtime wages, or simply not paying them wages they are entitled to. Wage issues directly impact an employee’s livelihood, so hire a New York lawyer right away to ensure you are being compensated fairly.

Breach Of Contract

If you signed a contract with your employer when hired, and the employer is not fulfilling the terms, then you can pursue a breach of contract lawsuit. This could include anything from not delivering on promised raises or promotions or other employment agreement violations. Know what is in the contract you are signing and be sure your employer follows through with the terms or get a New York lawyer involved. 

Gordon & Gordon is one of the most trusted NYC law firms for handling employment cases. Employers look for any way possible to take advantage of employees, and many times they do it illegally. While it’s always best to confront your employer first, be sure to seek legal counsel if they do nothing about it. If you feel like you’ve exhausted all of your options, contact us to schedule a consultation and we would be happy to review your case and provide legal representation.