Unpaid Debts: Collecting What You’re Owed

A judgment enforcement attorney can help you get your money.

At Gordon & Gordon, we understand how frustrating it can be when someone owes you money and refuses to pay. Whether you’re a business owner dealing with unpaid invoices or an individual who lent money in good faith, you have legal options to collect what you’re owed. As experienced judgment enforcement attorneys in New York, we help clients navigate the complexities of debt collection efficiently and legally.

Understanding Your Rights as a Creditor

As a creditor, you have the legal right to collect debts owed to you. However, it’s essential to understand your rights and obligations under New York law.

Legal Grounds for Debt Collection

Before taking action, ensure that the debt is legitimate, well-documented, and not beyond the statute of limitations (which is typically six years for most debts in New York). If you pursue legal action after this period, your claim may be dismissed.

Statute of Limitations

If too much time has passed, you may lose your right to sue. A judgment collection attorney in New York can help determine whether your case is still valid and what actions you can take to protect your financial interests. Additionally, the statute of limitations can vary depending on the type of debt, so it is crucial to consult an experienced attorney to evaluate your case.

Importance of Proper Documentation

Keeping accurate records is one of the most critical aspects of debt collection. Without clear proof of the debt, enforcing payment can be challenging. Documentation should include:

  • Signed contracts or agreements
  • Invoices and payment receipts
  • Email or text communications regarding the debt
  • Records of previous payments (if any)
  • Copies of demand letters sent to the debtor

Steps to Take Before Legal Action

Before jumping into a lawsuit, consider taking these steps:

Send a Formal Demand Letter

A strongly worded letter from a New York lawyer can often prompt payment. This letter should outline the amount owed, a deadline for payment, and the consequences of non-payment. In many cases, a professional demand letter signals to the debtor that you are serious about collecting the debt and willing to take legal action if necessary.

Negotiate a Payment Plan

If the debtor is willing, setting up an installment plan can be a practical solution. Not everyone who fails to pay does so maliciously—some may be facing financial hardships. A structured repayment plan, preferably in writing, can be legally binding and ensure that payments are made consistently. A legal agreement can ensure both parties uphold their responsibilities.

Use a Collection Agency

If the debtor is unresponsive, a collection agency may be able to assist. However, they typically charge a percentage of the collected debt. Collection agencies specialize in contacting debtors and persuading them to pay, but they are subject to legal restrictions, and their tactics must comply with federal and state laws. If you choose this route, make sure you work with a reputable agency.

Legal Remedies for Debt Collection

When informal methods fail, legal action may be necessary. Here’s what you can do:

File a Lawsuit

If the debtor refuses to pay, suing them in small claims or civil court may be your best option. Small claims court is generally suitable for lower-value debts, while larger debts may require litigation in a higher court. If you win, the court will issue a judgment in your favor.

Obtain a Judgment

A court-issued judgment legally confirms that the debtor owes you money. However, winning the case is just the first step. Enforcing the judgment is where things get tricky. Simply having a judgment does not guarantee payment—you may need additional legal steps to collect.

Enforcing a Judgment

Once you obtain a judgment, you have several enforcement options, including:

  • Wage Garnishment – If the debtor is employed, you may be able to garnish a portion of their wages until the debt is paid.
  • Bank Account Levy – You can request a bank account levy, allowing funds to be withdrawn directly from the debtor’s account.
  • Property Liens – If the debtor owns property, placing a lien on it can prevent them from selling or refinancing without paying the debt.
  • Seizing Assets – In some cases, you may be able to seize valuable assets such as vehicles or equipment.

A judgment enforcement attorney in New York can help ensure you get paid by navigating the legal process and utilizing the best enforcement strategy for your situation.

Avoiding Legal Pitfalls

While debt collection is legal, there are strict laws governing how you can go about it. Violating these laws can lead to serious consequences.

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)

This federal law prohibits harassment, threats, or misleading tactics when collecting debts. If you’re unsure about your actions, consult with an NYC law firm specializing in debt collection.

Avoiding Harassment Claims

Repeatedly contacting the debtor, making threats, or contacting their employer can lead to legal trouble. Stick to professional and legal methods. A New York lawyer can guide you on how to approach debtors without violating any laws.

Ensuring Ethical Collection Practices

Treat debtors with respect and follow all legal guidelines to avoid unnecessary legal battles. Ethical collection practices not only help you recover debts but also maintain your professional reputation.

When to Hire a Lawyer

While some debt collection efforts can be handled independently, certain situations require professional legal assistance. You should consider hiring a judgment collection attorney in New York if:

  • The debtor refuses to pay despite multiple attempts.
  • The debt involves a large sum of money.
  • The debtor has declared bankruptcy, complicating your ability to collect.
  • You need help enforcing a judgment, such as garnishing wages or seizing assets.
  • You want to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

At Gordon & Gordon, our team of experienced attorneys can help you take the right legal steps to recover what you’re owed efficiently and legally.

Unpaid debts can be a major financial burden, but you don’t have to deal with them alone. By understanding your rights, taking strategic steps, and working with a qualified judgment enforcement attorney in New York, you can increase your chances of successfully collecting what you’re owed.

If you need assistance with debt collection, contact Gordon & Gordon, one of the leading NYC law firms, to discuss your case. Our team is here to guide you through the legal process and ensure you get the compensation you deserve. Let us help you turn unpaid debts into collected funds.