Signs It’s Time to Hire a Judgment Collection Attorney

New York debt collection attorney

Collecting debts owed to you can be very inconvenient and time-consuming. And for business owners, it can disrupt cash flow and other operational measures for your business. Many individuals and business owners attempt to collect debts on their own or through a collection agency. While these might be effective in some situations, hiring a judgment collection attorney could be a necessity in other situations. Here are some common signs to look out for that may signify it’s time to hire legal counsel for your situation.

The Debtor Is Involved In Bankruptcy Proceedings

If you find out the debtor you’re dealing with has filed for bankruptcy, then you should seek a judgment collection attorney right away. Bankruptcy proceedings can be long and very complex, so the average person with minimal legal knowledge won’t know how to proceed. The benefit of hiring a New York debt collection attorney is they will ensure your interests are secured legally through the bankruptcy process. Navigating bankruptcy laws alone will not yield the results you desire, but working with an experienced attorney will.

The Debtor Is Not Cooperating With You

Pay close attention to the debtor’s actions if you are attempting to collect debts on your own. They might start off being cooperative, but they slowly delay payments, stop returning phone calls, and eventually halt payments. Documenting these events is helpful for a New York debt collection attorney if a lawsuit ends up being necessary. Uncooperative debtors can be frustrating to deal with, but it’s best to leave the work in the hands of an experienced attorney rather than taking matters into your own hands.

You’re Pursuing A Large Number Of Debts

If you’re only working with a small amount of money to collect, then you may consider attempting to collect it individually. However, with large amounts of debt, it’s usually ideal to start working with a judgment collection attorney as soon as possible. This is especially true if you’re dealing with a large corporation that might have their attorneys working in the background as well. Relying on proper legal expertise can ensure the debt collection strategy is thought out thoroughly to improve the chances of successfully recovering the debts.

Court Might Be The Best Route To Collect Debts

Everyone’s debt collection situation is unique and can take many twists and turns. If you get a sense that your efforts are not yielding the desired results and the matter might need to go to court, then it’s time to hire a New York debt collection attorney. Every communication you have with the debtor should be documented, as well as any agreements that were pre-arranged. Courts will need to have all of the facts, so turn them all over to your judgment collection attorney so they can present them in the most effective way possible for your case.

Hiring An Experienced Attorney Can Boost Chances To Collect

Now that you understand the most common signs to look out for that indicate it’s time to hire a judgment collection attorney, you should also understand the benefits of hiring one. The best debt collection attorneys have many years of experience handling complex debt collection cases. They know what facts need to be presented to improve the chances of collecting all debts owed. And even if you don’t have as many facts as needed to put together a strong case, experienced attorneys have the resources and tools to locate the information on your behalf.

Avoid Violating Debt Laws With Legal Counsel

When you get too involved with collecting debts, it can be difficult to recognize when it’s time to pull back and lean on legal counsel. The last thing you want to happen is to put forth so much effort into collecting debts and you end up violating certain laws in the process unknowingly. Not only could this throw a wrench into your debt collection efforts, but you could face other legal consequences as well. Judgment collection attorneys know how to navigate these laws, so it’s best to rely on their expertise.

Save Resources And Time With The Right Legal Expertise

Experienced attorneys know what resources they need to end up with a successful outcome. You may feel like you are spinning your wheels trying to collect debts individually, and that’s exactly what happens with many individuals. You can save a lot of time, resources, and headaches by relying on legal counsel to collect debts while you continue operating your business or living as normal.

Experience And Reputation Are Main Factors To Consider With Legal Counsel

When you’re looking to hire a judgment collection attorney, always look for experience and a positive reputation. Every debt collection scenario is different, so you can identify commonalities in other cases they’ve handled. Effective communication and transparency are critical in any legal proceeding. Collecting debts can be a stressful process for individuals and business owners, so working with attorneys you can trust to be transparent can bring you peace of mind.

Gordon & Gordon works tirelessly to help clients collect debts to which they are entitled. We have the experience to handle debt collection cases large and small and we can navigate the complexities of debt collection laws with ease. And not only are we confident that we can collect the debts owed to you, but we are also confident we can recover them quickly. If you believe it’s time to hire a judgment collection attorney, contact us to schedule a consultation and we will be happy to start the process.