A step by step guide on common Immigration Processes

New York Immigration Attorney

New York has been one of the most diverse states for many years. The immigration process has evolved over the years and continues to be an important topic. Legal immigration with the help of a New York immigration attorney can strengthen the United States in many ways. The problem is many people don’t understand the immigration process and what rights migrants have. We’ve outlined some statistics, the immigration process, and how immigrants can help our country.

Defining US Citizens, Migrants, Asylum Seekers, And Refugees

The biggest factor differentiating legal permanent residents of the United States from those with citizenship is the right to vote. These rights have been challenged and questioned extensively over the years, so there are many court rulings that New York immigration attorneys must review for each unique situation. Anyone who was provided a green card with the aspiration of becoming a United States citizen must wait five years to do so. These permanent residents also need to have historical and civic knowledge of the US and demonstrate English understanding and speaking skills to be a US citizens.

Migrants are commonly defined as people who are moving to the United States for safety or economic reasons. It is generally understood that migrants are relocating temporarily, whereas immigrants intend to relocate permanently. However, there is no accepted legal definition when it comes to migrants, which can be problematic for a New York immigration attorney.

Asylum seekers are different from migrants and immigrants since they are fleeing persecution in their home country. Refugees compare closely with asylum seekers since they are fleeing persecution. However, a refugee’s status is already determined before they arrive at the United States border, whereas an asylum seeker’s status is determined when they arrive. Asylum seekers are at a much larger risk of being deported for this reason.

Recent Immigration Statistics In New York

Tens of thousands of migrants have come to New York City since 2022. The vast majority of them are seeking asylum in the United States. However, no matter their status, part of the legal process is that all documented and undocumented people are subject to background checks. New York City has become overrun with migrants, so many of them have been bussed in small numbers to other areas of the state. Various advocacy groups have worked with migrants to provide clothing, food, and other basic necessities. Since the legal process for seeking asylum can be extensive, New York immigration attorneys have been overloaded trying to stay on top of each migrant’s case.

Documentation Process For Seeking Asylum

Filing for asylum is neither a simple nor a streamlined process. One of the main factors a New York immigration attorney will need is documentation that migrants have a credible fear for their lives. Simply saying they are fearful for their lives is not enough. And once they file for asylum, they will have one year to provide the necessary documentation for review. This is where hiring a New York immigration attorney is essential since it’s likely that hundreds of pages of documentation may be necessary. And when you think about the timing for seeking asylum and consider the demands for legal services, it’s easy to see why the process is anything but quick.

When Can Asylum Seekers Become Employed?

Asylum seekers not only have to wait for a long time to be potentially granted asylum, but there is also a waiting period before they can become employed. The timing is complicated since a work permit is required. Some asylum seekers can work shortly after filing their application, while others might not be able to work until they are legally eligible after the application process is complete. With tens of thousands of pending cases in the New York immigration courts, it could be many years before asylum seekers have their cases heard.

New York Immigrants Can Boost The Economy

While there are positive and negative aspects of migrants entering New York, there are plenty of ways they can boost local economies. With people moving out of certain upstate communities, immigrants have moved into these areas to keep the economy strong. It’s important that the immigration process become more streamlined so cases can be processed quicker, leading to more legal immigrants boosting the New York economy.

How New York Immigration Attorneys Help In The Process

Asylum seekers should always work with a New York immigration attorney to enhance their chances of getting their application approved. It’s easy to claim that you fear for your life, and it may be true, but the courts need specific documentation. This documentation can come in many different forms, and all of them will strengthen the legal case. New York immigration attorneys know what information is needed to give asylum seekers the best chance of winning their case. Too many people have lost their cases by not working with an immigration attorney since they did not have proper supporting documentation.

Gordon & Gordon is one of the most experienced law firms in New York. Any type of immigration case can be complicated and stressful. The hardest part is that the laws are constantly changing. Our immigration attorneys are highly qualified to handle your case no matter where you are in the process. We keep up with the latest laws to ensure your case is handled in your best interests. Our goal is to provide the best possible legal services no matter your situation. Don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule a consultation to review your case and start the legal process.