Understanding the Typical Child Support Payment in NYC

divorce lawyer in new york

Child support laws in New York are complex and every divorce situation is unique. For these reasons, hiring the best divorce lawyer in New York that you can find will help you have the most ideal outcome possible. One of the first questions people ask when going through a divorce is regarding how much they will have to pay in child support. The answer isn’t clear-cut, but we’ve explained some of the factors that are considered.

Definition Of Child Support In New York

Child support covers a wide range of expenses that a child needs until they become an adult. These expenses can include educational expenses, health care, housing, food, clothing, and more. In New York, parents are obligated to provide child support until they turn 21 years old. Non-custodial parents must make child support payments to the custodial parent throughout the kid’s childhood.

Many Types Of Income Can Be Used For Child Support

Your NYC divorce lawyer will evaluate all sources of income to estimate your child support payment. Some of the types of income that can be used for child support include:

  • Salaries and wages
  • Unemployment benefits
  • Self-employment wages
  • Workers Compensation
  • Social security payments
  • Retirement benefits
  • And more

The top law firms in NYC will evaluate financial records down to the penny to ensure you do not have to pay more child support than what is required by law. 

Factors Contributing To The Average Child Support Payment

It’s virtually impossible to indicate an average dollar amount that people pay in child support since every situation varies so widely. As your divorce lawyer in New York will explain, the combined income of both parents is considered. So if you earn more than your ex-spouse, then you will pay more in child support. The payment amount can also differ if multiple children are in the equation. Any additional factors like child care or health care can also increase the monthly child support payment.

Working with a reputable and experienced divorce lawyer in New York can ensure you pay a fair amount of child support. Gordon & Gordon will dive deeply into your case and leave no stone unturned. The amount you pay in child support can impact your life significantly, so we are here to help. Don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule a consultation to review your case and we will be ready to provide you with the best legal representation possible.